insitu ani·motion

Ivan Pantelić & Bernd Rohrauer from the Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Education, University of Applied Arts Vienna, present various performative participatory stop motion-based spatial interventions at Palazzo Bembo and Palazzo Mora.

How can we use media as a participatory tool to simultaneously create an impact on space and people? The project aims to playfully address this question. Understanding space as an outcome of social processes, insitu ani·motion is developed as a method that enables participatory performative public space interventions by collective art-making. This is achieved by creating conditions for real-time video-producing onsite collaboration. A technical tool provides a platform that entices passers-by to change their routines, convene and co-create a collective stop motion-based animated film on site, screen it on the surrounding surface and thus contribute to placemaking, changing the environment’s use and appeal.

The setup challenges conventions of media production by blending phases otherwise conventionally separated in time, making the production, post-production, and screening coincide. With the output being constantly negotiated by the passers-by transformed into filmmakers, editors, and spectators, neither the artistic outcome, nor the roles of partakers are predetermined.

insitu ani·motion

Ivan Pantelić & Bernd Rohrauer from the Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Education, University of Applied Arts Vienna, present various performative participatory stop motion-based spatial interventions at Palazzo Bembo and Palazzo Mora.

11.06.2022 — 12.06.2022
10.00 — 18.00

  • Event: Performance
  • Venues: Palazzo Mora, Palazzo Bembo
  • Presence: In-person
  • Links: Website, Instagram

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